What are we thankful for? JASY Camp for sure!!
Today's theme was gratitude and there were many thankful campers and volunteers at JASY camp. When we asked the campers what they were thankful for, they shouted out "Life, Family, Shelter, Food, God, Health". Pretty simple thoughts for us to remember.

Today’s word of the day was gratitude. I learned throughout the trip that I have taken too many things for granted (like cold nights) and working in Caribbean Games has proven to me that I am grateful to be here with these kids and volunteers. We played basketball today, and my experience with multiple basketball camps helped me lead the kids in dribbling drills which they all seemed to enjoy. After the drills portion, we moved onto playing Knockout. I won the first two times and realized I probably shouldn’t have been playing so they could win. Finally, we played a very chaotic game of 8 on 8 basketball. This was the same for the first two groups, Green Empire and the Blue Spartans. When the younger red team came in, we went into a simpler game of basketball which got very physical and intense, which led to “Mr. Tom” to assign the kids spots on the floor which they could not move from. Finally, the girls team came in and we played netball which I did not actually know how to play but a couple of girls taught me which was cool. Overall, it was a slow and hot day but no less fun than any of the others.--Carter McEneany

Today was a fun day at the pool. We did our normal routine with the kids; Kicking and gliding off the wall followed by floating on their backs. We also had toys such as sinking sticks and rings where the kids had to dive for them under the water and today we added a hoola hoop for swimming through. All of the kids love the floating and its fun to see them close to being able to do it on their own. They get really happy when they can do it and it is such an accomplishment for them. Most of these kids came into the pool having never seen a pool or been in a pool before and they’ve made such great successes in just these past four days of being at the camp. This makes me so happy because they are able to get an unforgettable experience from the little accomplishments they make every day. --Sara McCarthy

With the fourth day of camp down, the JASY 2017 team went to the world famous Devon House for some fantastic well deserved ice cream and some local shopping. There we were able to experience something we had missed all week: Air Conditioning. We enjoyed our treat, learned a bit of history, and touched a bit on how our final day of camp was fast approaching.

Look for our next blog on our final day of camp tomorrow!!
With love, The JASY 2017 Team